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Housing Justice Isla Vista

We are a community-based organization working to highlight the history of the systemic housing crisis that has plagued Isla Vista since its inception, as well as the history of community organizing and revolution that has resulted from this injustice. This website serves as a complete documentation of the housing crisis and its effects, as well as community demands for change addressed to Chancellor Yang and the Santa Barbara City Council.

Home: Welcome

Who We Are

We are a student led and community based organization working to organize around the housing crisis in Isla Vista, California. We recognize the systemic and structural nature of this injustice and we hope to elucidate its history, as well as the ways in which we as a community can make a lasting difference.

Home: About

Contact Us

Would you like to get involved? Do you want to know more about the crisis? Contact us!

EcoVista Collab
6560 Pardall Rd
Isla Vista, CA 93117


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Home: Contact
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